Marketing Cybersecurity: Tactics That Work

In a previous post, we shared that being in alignment with your channel partner in terms of how you are promoting your sales offers is the ideal strategy for marketing cybersecurity. In this post, we’ll explore marketing cybersecurity tactics that actually work. Hopefully, these ideas will inspire you to revisit your own cybersecurity marketing ideas, and adjust where necessary for the better results.

What To Include in Your Cybersecurity Marketing Strategy

High Quality Content

There are a lot of other cybersecurity companies out there competing for your ideal customers’ attention. If you aren’t producing high quality content that is valuable, you’ve already lost to your competitors. What type of content should you be producing? It includes, but isn’t limited to:

  • Blog posts
  • Case Studies
  • White papers
  • eBooks
  • Videos
  • Webinars
  • Infographics

These pieces of marketing cybersecurity content should educate your audience. The goal is to teach your audience something they need to know, and can actually use. Setting yourself up as the subject matter expert (SME) in your field will help your audience get to know you, and as they do they will be able to tell if they like you and trust you enough to make a purchase.

Helpful Email Marketing

It’s not enough to send a free consultation offer or even a coupon giving 10% off purchases these days. People are expecting it, and they are more likely to delete your email if it’s just a coupon or cold sales pitch. What they need is for you to send them the high quality content you’ve produced in an easy to digest message. Rather than just pitch a sale, can you give them an eBook that helps them solve a problem? What about an invitation to a webinar to learn more about the state of cybersecurity?

A solid cybersecurity marketing strategy is about convincing the person to stick around, and encouraging them to learn more. You have to give them things they want before you ever ask them for their credit card information. Think of it like dating. You don’t ask someone to marry you on the first date. You get to know them before making the proposal.

Know How To Bundle

Just like one-size-fits-all rarely works in the clothing industry, it’s also a horrible way of marketing cybersecurity. While you can offer some of your products to one customer, it might not make sense to offer those same products to another customer. Instead, get clear on what your individual audience members need, and make a customized bundle that is just right for them.

There’s a reason “pay as you go,” and “only pay for what you need” campaigns work so well. Your call to action in your content and emails doesn’t have to pitch your entire product line. In fact, you’ll make more sales if it doesn’t.

Mind Your Paid Advertising

When considering a cybersecurity marketing strategy you may be tempted to advertise to everyone. However, if you’re using paid advertising this is the fastest way to go broke. Just like the old adage states, if you try to sell to everyone, you will sell to no one. Not everyone is looking for cybersecurity. Therefore, buying ads for people who don’t want what you’re selling is a fool’s errand. Instead, get clear on your ideal customer, and only advertise to them.

Use data to help you find the right people to promote to. This is sound cybersecurity marketing advice whether you’re using paid ads or not. And, while we’re talking about data – use real facts and figures rather than fear tactics to draw your audience in. While the threats of cybersecurity are very real, positive messaging always goes further than negative ones.

Where To Go From Here

This post barely scratches the surface of what you should be thinking about for your cybersecurity marketing plans. The truth is two heads are better than one, and you don’t have to go about things alone. When SiteLock partners with a cybersecurity company, we work with you to create a game plan that will get you more sales with less effort. Click here to learn about the SiteLock Channel Partners program.

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