Ransomware Tracker [2024]

72% Organizations worldwide impacted by ransomware

When it comes to ransomware attacks, it’s not a question of if, but when. Over 72% of organizations worldwide experienced at least one ransomware attack in 2023, and attackers managed to bring in over $1 billion, an all time high and nearly double their 2022 take.

Still not convinced that ransomware attacks are all that common? See for yourself with our downloadable ransomware tracker, regularly updated with incidents and attacks by name, location, date, and industry.

Ransomware Tracker

Ransomware Basics

According to Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency, Ransomware is an ever-evolving form of malware designed to encrypt files on a device, rendering any files and the systems that rely on them unusable. Malicious actors then demand ransom in exchange for decryption. The most recent strains of ransomware steal data before decrypting, the technique called double-extortion. Ransomware actors often target and threaten to sell or leak exfiltrated data or authentication information if the ransom is not paid.

In recent years, ransomware incidents have become increasingly prevalent among the Nation’s state, local, tribal, and territorial (SLTT) government entities and critical infrastructure organizations.

Did you know?

  • Ransomware attacks increased a staggering 73% from 2022 to 2023, which saw an all-time high of over 4,611 reported cases
  • 62% of successful infiltrations in ransomware attacks are via phishing
  • The average ransom payment is $812,360
  • 36% of businesses that pay the ransom fall victim to ransomware attacks for a second time
  • Almost a quarter of all ransomware attacks target professional services firms, especially small and midsize law firms
  • On average, it takes 21 days to identify and remediate ransomware attack
  • Of 92% of businesses with backups hit by ransomware, 31% failed to recover their data.

Recent ransomware attacks in 2024

In the midst of 2023’s landmark numbers, the White House officially reclassified ransomware as a national security threat. The average monthly number of reported ransomware victims in 2023 was 31, an all time record. And this data only counts the attacks on businesses reported in mass media. The actual number of victims is much more significant.

This surge continued into 2024’s Q1, which saw 1,075 victims, the highest ever recorded in a single quarter. All the while recovery costs have more than doubled, increasing the impact done to those who fall victim. 

Some of the most impactful attacks in 2024 so far have been:

  • UnitedHealthcare
  • Hyundai Europe
  • Crinetics Pharmaceuticals
  • LoanDepot
  • Kansas City Public Transportation

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