Cyber attack on Norway Parliament and Russia Kremlin website down


Last year, in September Norway Parliament was hit by a cyber attack and the suspicion finger was raised at Russia as a press release from the spokesperson confirmed so in October 2020.

After 6 months of attack, a fresh incident seems to have reportedly taken place on Monday this week as a parliament spokesperson says that hackers freshly targeted the database through a Microsoft Exchange email software vulnerability.

Marian Andreassen, the Chief Administrative officer of Parliament, confirmed the incident and said that the incident is being strictly probed by law enforcement authorities. However, no clarity was given on who was behind the attack as the admin head will clear the air only after a detailed report will be available to address it publicly on an official note.

The other news is related to a cyber attack on Kremlin’s website that connects people with President of Russia i.e Vladimir Putin. Almost all websites belonging to the state departments of Russia, including that of the Prime Minister Roskomnadzor were digitally disrupted from early hours of Wednesday morning.

And the highlight of this issue is that the disruption took place just after a few days when the White House officials from United States publicly announced that they were preparing for a retaliation attack against Russia to take revenge related to the SolarWinds Hack on Microsoft.

Jen Psaki, the Press Secretary of White House, confirmed the news by saying that the government is planning to take action seen and unseen in near future.

Going forward, Joe Biden is expected to sign an executive order by this month’s end helps strengthen the government networks to thwart attacks of any range. The order will also hold a special power to appoint a special task force to assist companies mitigate all cyber threats that are launched by adversaries.

Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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