How To Evaluate A Website Security Provider

Cyberattacks are a growing threat to business owners everywhere, with over 30,000 websites attacked each day. As a hosting or digital services provider, you have a responsibility to inform clients of this risk—and it’s in your best interest to do so. In fact, SMBs often blame their hosting provider when cyberattacks occur. Should a client of yours become a target, the damage to the trust you’ve built over time could be lost and irreparable.

The good news is there are countless website security providers you can partner with to keep clients protected, and there’s never been a better time to join this profitable industry. The cybersecurity market is expected to reach $345.4 billion by 2026, which means forming a successful channel partnership with a reputable website security provider can boost your bottom line. But despite so many options available, it can be challenging to find a vendor you trust who can provide all the services you and your clients need.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss eight criteria to keep in mind as you identify and evaluate a website security provider, ensuring your clients get a high-quality solution that delivers on all fronts and you get a lasting, profitable partnership.

Tips For Choosing A Website Security Provider

When choosing a website security provider, look for one that offers the following:

  1. Strong reputation: Does the website security provider have a track record of delivering reliable, high-quality solutions? While it may be tempting to settle for the first vendor you come across, exercising due diligence will pay off in the long run. Remember: working with an unreliable security vendor can damage your reputation, while partnering with a highly regarded company can give yours a boost by association, instilling confidence in prospects. Strong online reviews, good press, and awards can all attest to the quality of service and indicate you’re on the right track.
  2. Proven technology: Just as important as the provider's reputation is the caliber of their technology. Automated malware protection and removal solutions are great, but you also need to know they’re effective and proven to withstand even the most sophisticated attacks before offering them as solutions to your clients. Ask for statistics regarding the efficacy of the provider’s technology or look for case studies that demonstrate their value.
  3. Deployment options: Website security providers can offer different deployment options for their services, from on-premises to cloud (SaaS-based) deployment. On-premises software is installed on your own servers and computers, while cloud-based software is hosted by the security provider. If you know which deployment option you want, you can narrow down providers accordingly. If not, look for a provider that offers both.
  4. Go-to-market strategies: Ideally, your website security provider will be able to help you with one of the most important aspects of actually making your offerings successful: a go-to-market strategy. A strong partner will share tips they’ve gathered when launching their own products, from questions to explore while creating your plan to metrics for monitoring and improving performance over time.
  5. Support assets: It’s key to have a website security partner who will actively support both you and your clients. For your business, this could include marketing materials and other sales enablement resources to help you pitch your new security offerings to existing clients, generate leads, and boost your average revenue per customer. For your customers, it may mean security education and customized campaigns that empower clients to take a proactive role in their site’s overall security.
  6. Program maturity: A reputable website security provider isn’t the same as a reputable partner. When scouting a website security provider, look for one that already has a rolodex of long-standing, satisfied channel partners. You can even reach out to a few of the existing partners for another perspective or reference on the effectiveness of their program.
  7. Revenue stream: In addition to offering protection to your clients, your channel partnership should generate revenue for your business. For instance, it can boost customer satisfaction and reduce churn, ultimately increasing bottom line revenue. Make sure the prospective website security provider can point to concrete ways the partnership will help grow your company.
  8. Product fit: You want to make sure that the products offered by the website security provider fit your clients’ needs and complement your existing product portfolio. For example, if you have many Ecommerce clients, look for a provider that offers automated website scanning, web application firewall, and content delivery network. It’s important to make sure the potential security provider is familiar with the types of businesses your clients run and can offer a comprehensive suite of solutions to meet their website security needs.

Advance Your Business Through A Channel Partnership

If you’re ready to expand your company's product offerings and break into the website and cybersecurity space, consider becoming a channel partner with SiteLock today. Learn more about partnering with us to grow your business and protect clients from threats.

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