Cloud Security Podcast — Two Years Later or Our Year-End Reflections for 2022!

Cloud Security Podcast — Two Years Later or Our Year-End Reflections for 2022!

We have been running our Cloud Security Podcast by Google for almost 2 years (TWO YEARS!) and since we are on a break now, I wanted to reflect a bit, while Tim is relaxing on a beach somewhere warm and “hammy” 🙂

So, we aired 102 episodes, but what was new in 2022?

Here is how 2022 word cloud of episode titles looks like


What to expect from us in 2023?

  • A weekly podcast episode and a few specials here and there — of course!!!
  • Perhaps a live video of our recording session — that will be fun! Should we post the audio to YouTube, BTW?
  • Some stuff that is coming in Q1 2023 includes episodes on BeyondProd, our security guardrail magic, security architecture (with more cloud migration challenges!) and a curious episode on our approach to vulnerability management. More “CISO meets cloud” episodes are planned as well!
  • The 2023 season opener on January 9 would be epic as well … because Mandiant!

Now, let’s look at our basic metrics:

Top 5 episodes overall so far:

  1. “Confidentially Speaking“ (ep1)
  2. “Data Security in the Cloud“ (ep2)
  3. “Megatrends, Macro-changes, Microservices, Oh My! Changes in 2022 and Beyond in Cloud Security” (ep47)
  4. “Automate and/or Die” (ep3)
  5. “How We Scale Detection and Response at Google: Automation, Metrics, Toil“ (ep75)

Share your favorites in comments or on social media (LinkedIn, Twitter)?

We also understand that 102 episodes is a lot and that we cover many topics in a wide field of cloud security. So, if you want to cherry pick, here are some fun playlists (on Spotify):

So, a call to action:

  • Any more playlists you want to see (share ideas on LinkedIn, Twitter)?
  • Any new topics to cover?
  • Fun guests to invite?
  • Subscribe via Google, Spotify, Apple or your app of choice!

P.S. Of course we asked the future AI overlords about what we should do next, here are the answers.

And of course, we are us, so here is what we did next:



Cloud Security Podcast — Two Years Later or Our Year-End Reflections for 2022! was originally published in Anton on Security on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Stories by Anton Chuvakin on Medium authored by Anton Chuvakin. Read the original post at:

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