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3 security challenges a Cloud-Native App Protection (CNAPP) can solve

BrandPost By Zscaler
Apr 13, 20235 mins

The security challenges of increased cloud usage are threefold. Cloud-Native App Protection (CNAPP) can solve them all.

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A Cloud Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) is far more than just another buzzword or acronym in an industry already overcrowded with them. Instead, it’s the next logical stage of security evolution for organizations increasingly relying on public cloud services.

The security challenges of increased cloud usage are threefold:

  1. Cloud environments are diverse, dynamic, and automated

Cloud computing allows a wide range of resources to be spun up based on automated policies. Though responsive and efficient, this dynamic design makes it harder for security teams to analyze compared to older, more static architectures.

Couple that with the way you use the cloud over time. Many have migrated through on-prem and hybrid infrastructures to cloud-first strategies. In turn, enterprises now run complex multi-cloud infrastructures that provide a lot of agility, resilience, and performance. In addition, every cloud service has its own management paradigm, proficiencies, and features, further complicating the struggle to monitor and secure IT services.

In tandem, many organizations develop their software for deployment into one or more cloud services. Usually, development and operations teams aren’t as tightly integrated as they could be. Unfortunately, this can lead to security issues. Dev teams, for instance, may need to learn what the future cloud-based operating environment will consist of or even which cloud services will be involved. With such insight ahead of time, it\’s easier for security teams to assess code for potential security problems.

Ideally, security teams can set policies and decide where to enforce guardrails. DevOps teams should be able to correct issues directly in the tools they’re already using, without interrupting their flow or needing to learn another tool.

  1. Understanding cloud security risks and regulatory compliance

Every security team aims to spot risks and triage them according to business needs as quickly and comprehensively as possible. But dealing with architecture as dizzyingly complex as in the cloud is far easier said than done. Moreover, built-in security offered by those services often lacks essential context.

Suppose, for instance, a vulnerability scan identifies that a container running in AWS has an unpatched vulnerability categorized as critical. Does that mean the team must immediately act to solve the problem? Not necessarily. It depends mainly on how much corporate data is potentially exposed and how isolated that particular container is in the IT architecture.

But AWS doesn\’t know that, and hence, can\’t tell you. So instead, it\’s better to consider a wide range of risk indicators, identifying weaknesses most likely to be exploited by bad actors and prioritizing accordingly. This ensures your team is maximizing their efforts for efficiency.

Key input signals include a holistic cloud asset inventory and an overview of misconfigurations, excessive entitlements, internet exposure, unpatched vulnerabilities, and sensitive data. IT teams can consolidate point products like cloud CMDB, CSPM, CIEM, DLP, and vulnerability scanning with these capabilities.

  1. Regulation compliance gets harder, slower, and costlier in the cloud

How easily can you demonstrate compliance when you don’t own and control the clouds involved? What if those clouds are in a constant state of operational flux?


Just as security teams struggle to track and triage cybersecurity risks, they’re also likely to struggle to map regulation requirements to the cloud architectures their core services increasingly require.

And manual audits are usually both costly and slow; they\’re so slow they often need to be more effective. This is because the audit team takes so long that new requirements may apply when finished, essentially invalidating the results.

The best solution would be an advanced form of automated compliance that continually considers all the relevant variables–essentially, an application of cloud strengths to the compliance problem. But in most organizations, such a solution doesn’t yet exist.

Use CNAPP to solve security and compliance cloud challenges

CNAPPs help organizations identify and prioritize the combinations of cloud weaknesses most likely to lead to a security incident. Because a CNAPP can provide these capabilities across cloud service providers and across a wide range of development and DevOps tools, it can help identify issues early on, reducing overall risk and helping to foster rather than hinder organizational agility and innovation.

Not all CNAPPs are created equal, but the more advanced versions can swiftly and accurately improve any organization’s cloud security posture in many respects. These include:

  • Consolidating management across diverse clouds to a single pane of glass. Instead of multiple interfaces to manage multiple clouds, security teams use one interface to manage all of them, leading to faster problem detection and resolution.
  • Automatically and continuously identifying, prioritizing, and mitigating any cloud architecture’s security risks in a context-aware manner. This intelligent automation gives teams the information and insight they need at the virtual machine, container, and serverless levels — no matter which leading cloud services they use.
  • Analyzing code in development, spotting security problems before they can manifest in the cloud, and integrating with development solutions to empower developers with the information needed for a fix.
  • Linking DevOps and security teams via trigger alerts, trouble tickets, and automated workflows, putting everyone on the same page, and enabling new software to create business value than cause security issues.
  • Automatically and continuously analyzing and reporting on governance and compliance to ensure the cloud strategy is fully compliant without the time, hassles, and expense of a manual audit process.
  • Creating and enforcing proper entitlements assigned to human and machine entities to minimize the risks of unauthorized access to core services and data.

At Zscaler, we’ve made it simple to run an automated analysis of your cloud architecture to assess your security posture and pinpoint areas of possible future improvement – in about half an hour. This can help you determine which CNAPP features your organization would most benefit from.