Joe Biden signs executive order to bolster supply chain security with Cyber Threat sharing


Joe Biden who succeeded in his first presidential task of vaccinating almost the entire populace of the United States against Corona Virus has signed an executive order on Wednesday that bolsters supply chain security with cyber threat sharing.

The order comes as a Pavlovian response from the US President in response to the DarkSide ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline that could have shut down fuel supply to the entire nation if the authorities failed in taking proactive measures against such cyber incidents.

Last year, the entire Biden-led nation was shocked to know that some hackers suspected to be from Russia launched cyberattacks on the clients related to SolarWinds that could have impacted or already jolted the critical infrastructure operating in the nation.

Furthermore, early this year, Microsoft Email Exchange Servers were exploited by Chinese hackers Dubbed Hafnium through an unknown vulnerability

Thus, all these hacks on the American Infrastructure have made President Biden issue an executive order that will assist in improving the security of software of private and public entities by establishing base security standards that will help in maintaining greater visibility in identifying, tracking, and thwarting cyber attacks.

US CISA will be supervising the effort of solidifying thresholds related to the improvement of Cybersecurity and will act as a central threat sharing platform that will notify all cyber intrusions on government and private organizations.

Additionally, the Biden-Harris-led administration will also provide some guidelines to federal agencies and contractors to improve the resources that help them thwart threats of all ranges; thence minimizing all potential impacts on privacy, civil liberties, and US Competitiveness.

Hope, the latest order helps in keeping threats from US adversaries at bay.

Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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