Cyber Attack on European Union Institutions


Several organizations belonging to European Union were targeted by a cyber attack in March this year and news is out that it did partially impact the IT infrastructure of agencies, institutions and private bodies to a certain extent.

The spokesperson of the European Commission made few details available to the media as the investigation is still going on.

However, the spokesperson working closely stated that EU is working with Computer Emergency Response Team to assess the situation and the impact on its IT Infrastructure and can only formalize the details after the probe gets concluded. However, there is an assurance from the agency that no data compromise had taken place in the incident.

Note 1- In Feb-March this year, European banking Authority disclosed that a cyber attack compromised its email systems and some modes of communications. Later it issued a statement saying that the incident took place because of a compromise in Microsoft Exchange Servers.

Note 2- Early this year, European Medicines Agency (EMA) stated that some vaccine data related to the research and development of COVID vaccine taken up by Pfizer/BioNTech was compromised from servers in December 2020. Security analysts say that the data could have been doctored by threat actors funded by some state governments to undermine disinterest filled trust in the developed vaccines.

Note 3- Cybersecurity researchers from IBM X-Force issued a warning in December 2020 that all organizations and healthcare facilities that are into the vaccine development to curb the spread of COVID-19 were on the verge of being targeted by a spear phishing related cyber attacks.

Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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