Blackswan vulnerability puts billions of Windows Systems to risk


A discovery of seven zero day vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows Operating System has reportedly put billions of PC users to risk. And reports are in that the bug/s have existed in the wild since 2007, the time when the Satya Nadella led company released the Vista version of its Windows OS.

Field Effect is the Cybersecurity firm that discovered the details and collectedly named its find as Blackswan, a susceptibility that could affect individuals, government organizations and even private companies, if left unpatched.

Matt Holland, the CEO & CTO of Field Effect says that the newly discovered vulnerabilities could be used by ransomware gangs or state funded actors to disrupt businesses worldwide as threat actors can exploit the flaw/s with 99% reliability.

Mr. Matt also emphasized on the fact that the discovery was made while working on the company’s Covalence MDR Platform- an all-inclusive security solution that protects a company’s cloud, network, and devices from many threats.

The good news is that the security researchers from the threat detection and response firm discovered the 7 flaws in April 2021, and then issued a warning about the flaw/s to Microsoft in May 201.

After working extensively with its engineers, the Redmond giant released its first patch in July 2021 and then came up with the second in September 2021. The next 4 vulnerabilities were patched by the end of last month and a security patch for the 7th vulnerability was released on October 12th,2021.

Naveen Goud
Naveen Goud is a writer at Cybersecurity Insiders covering topics such as Mergers & Acquisitions, Startups, Cyber Attacks, Cloud Security and Mobile Security

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