Sat.May 11, 2024 - Fri.May 17, 2024

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MY TAKE: RSAC 2024’s big takeaway: rules-based security is out; contextual security is taking over

The Last Watchdog

KINGSTON, Wash. — U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken opened RSA Conference 2024 last week issuing a clarion call for the cybersecurity community to defend national security, nurture economic prosperity and reinforce democratic values. Related: The power of everyman conversing with AI Blinken That’s a tall order. My big takeaway from RSAC 2024 is this: the advanced technology and best practices know-how needed to accomplish the high ideals Secretary Blinken laid out are readily at hand

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Another Chrome Vulnerability

Schneier on Security

Google has patched another Chrome zero-day: On Thursday, Google said an anonymous source notified it of the vulnerability. The vulnerability carries a severity rating of 8.8 out of 10. In response, Google said, it would be releasing versions 124.0.6367.201/.202 for macOS and Windows and 124.0.6367.201 for Linux in subsequent days. “Google is aware that an exploit for CVE-2024-4671 exists in the wild,” the company said.


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How Did Authorities Identify the Alleged Lockbit Boss?

Krebs on Security

Last week, the United States joined the U.K. and Australia in sanctioning and charging a Russian man named Dmitry Yuryevich Khoroshev as the leader of the infamous LockBit ransomware group. LockBit’s leader “ LockBitSupp ” claims the feds named the wrong guy, saying the charges don’t explain how they connected him to Khoroshev.

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RSA 2024: AI’s Growing Influence Amplifies Global Cyber Impact

Lohrman on Security

As another RSA Conference in San Francisco ended on May 10, 2024, the global impact that cybersecurity and artificial intelligence bring to every area of life has become much more apparent.

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Reimagining Cybersecurity Training: Driving Real Impact on Security Culture

Speaker: Speakers:

They say a defense can be measured by its weakest link. In your cybersecurity posture, what––or who––is the weakest link? And how can you make them stronger? This webinar will equip you with the resources to search for quality training, implement it, and improve the cyber-behaviors of your workforce. By the end of the hour, you will feel empowered to improve the aspects of your security posture you control the least – the situational awareness and decision-making of your workforce.

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Weekly Update 399

Troy Hunt

The Post Millennial breach in this week's video is an interesting one, most notably because of the presence of the mailing lists. Now, as I've said in every piece of communication I've put out on this incident, the lists are what whoever defaced the site said TPM had and they certainly posted that data in the defacement message, but we're yet to hear a statement from the company itself.

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Zero-Trust DNS

Schneier on Security

Microsoft is working on a promising-looking protocol to lock down DNS. ZTDNS aims to solve this decades-old problem by integrating the Windows DNS engine with the Windows Filtering Platform—the core component of the Windows Firewall—directly into client devices. Jake Williams, VP of research and development at consultancy Hunter Strategy, said the union of these previously disparate engines would allow updates to be made to the Windows firewall on a per-domain name basis.

DNS 253

More Trending

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Report: Organisations Have Endpoint Security Tools But Are Still Falling Short on the Basics

Tech Republic Security

AI PCs could soon see organisations invest in whole fleets of new managed devices, but Absolute Security data shows they are failing to maintain endpoint protection and patching the devices they have.

Big data 167
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CVE-2024-4984: Yoast SEO Flaw Exposes Millions of WordPress Sites to Attack

Penetration Testing

Yoast SEO, the widely used WordPress plugin with over 5 million active installations, has been found vulnerable to a Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) flaw. This vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-4984, could allow malicious actors to... The post CVE-2024-4984: Yoast SEO Flaw Exposes Millions of WordPress Sites to Attack appeared first on Penetration Testing.

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LLMs’ Data-Control Path Insecurity

Schneier on Security

Back in the 1960s, if you played a 2,600Hz tone into an AT&T pay phone, you could make calls without paying. A phone hacker named John Draper noticed that the plastic whistle that came free in a box of Captain Crunch cereal worked to make the right sound. That became his hacker name, and everyone who knew the trick made free pay-phone calls. There were all sorts of related hacks, such as faking the tones that signaled coins dropping into a pay phone and faking tones used by repair equipment.

Risk 252
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Scammers can easily phish your multi-factor authentication codes. Here’s how to avoid it


More and more websites and services are making multi-factor-authentication (MFA) mandatory, which makes it much harder for cybercriminals to access your accounts. That’s a great thing. But as security evolves, so do cybercriminals who are always looking for new ways to scam us. A type of phishing we’re calling authentication-in-the-middle is showing up in online media.

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The Importance of User Roles and Permissions in Cybersecurity Software

How many people would you trust with your house keys? Chances are, you have a handful of trusted friends and family members who have an emergency copy, but you definitely wouldn’t hand those out too freely. You have stuff that’s worth protecting—and the more people that have access to your belongings, the higher the odds that something will go missing.

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Cisco’s Splunk Acquisition Should Help Security Pros See Threats Sooner in Australia and New Zealand

Tech Republic Security

Cisco’s Splunk acquisition was finalised in March 2024. Splunk’s Craig Bates says the combined offering could enhance observability and put data to work for security professionals in an age of AI threat defence.

Big data 145
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CVE-2024-33006: Critical SAP Vulnerability Exposes Systems to Complete Takeover

Penetration Testing

German enterprise software giant SAP has announced the release of 14 new security notes and three updates to previously released notes as part of its May 2024 Security Patch Day. The most significant new... The post CVE-2024-33006: Critical SAP Vulnerability Exposes Systems to Complete Takeover appeared first on Penetration Testing.

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FBI Seizes BreachForums Website

Schneier on Security

The FBI has seized the BreachForums website, used by ransomware criminals to leak stolen corporate data. If law enforcement has gained access to the hacking forum’s backend data, as they claim, they would have email addresses, IP addresses, and private messages that could expose members and be used in law enforcement investigations. […] The FBI is requesting victims and individuals contact them with information about the hacking forum and its members to aid in their investigation.

Hacking 240
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VMware makes Workstation Pro and Fusion Pro free for personal use

Bleeping Computer

VMWare has made Workstation Pro and Fusion Pro free for personal use, allowing home users and students to set up their own virtualized test labs and play with another operating system at little to no cost. [.

Software 142
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IDC Analyst Report: The Open Source Blind Spot Putting Businesses at Risk

In a recent study, IDC found that 64% of organizations said they were already using open source in software development with a further 25% planning to in the next year. Most organizations are unaware of just how much open-source code is used and underestimate their dependency on it. As enterprises grow the use of open-source software, they face a new challenge: understanding the scope of open-source software that's being used throughout the organization and the corresponding exposure.

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Black Basta Ransomware Struck More Than 500 Organizations Worldwide

Tech Republic Security

Read about Black Basta ransomware’s impact and how to mitigate it. Plus, learn about recent ransomware trends.

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New Wi-Fi Vulnerability Enables Network Eavesdropping via Downgrade Attacks

The Hacker News

Researchers have discovered a new security vulnerability stemming from a design flaw in the IEEE 802.11 Wi-Fi standard that tricks victims into connecting to a less secure wireless network and eavesdrop on their network traffic.

Wireless 135
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Friday Squid Blogging: Emotional Support Squid

Schneier on Security

When asked what makes this an “emotional support squid” and not just another stuffed animal, its creator says: They’re emotional support squid because they’re large, and cuddly, but also cheerfully bright and derpy. They make great neck pillows (and you can fidget with the arms and tentacles) for travelling, and, on a more personal note, when my mum was sick in the hospital I gave her one and she said it brought her “great comfort” to have her squid tucked up

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Dell Hell Redux — More Personal Info Stolen by ‘Menelik’

Security Boulevard

Phish Ahoy! Hacker took advantage of Dell’s lack of anti-scraping defense. The post Dell Hell Redux — More Personal Info Stolen by ‘Menelik’ appeared first on Security Boulevard.

Phishing 134
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Beware of Pixels & Trackers on U.S. Healthcare Websites

The healthcare industry has massively adopted web tracking tools, including pixels and trackers. Tracking tools on user-authenticated and unauthenticated web pages can access personal health information (PHI) such as IP addresses, medical record numbers, home and email addresses, appointment dates, or other info provided by users on pages and thus can violate HIPAA Rules that govern the Use of Online Tracking Technologies by HIPAA Covered Entities and Business Associates.

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How to Set Up & Use a VPN on Android (A Step-by-Step Guide)

Tech Republic Security

Trying to configure or set up a VPN on your Android? Learn how to get started with our step-by-step guide.

VPN 164
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Deleted iPhone photos show up again after iOS update


iPhone owners are reporting that photos they’d deleted are now back on their phones, after updating to iOS 17.5. With so many users reporting similar oddities, it would seem something went wrong, or at least different than to be expected. Here are some examples from Reddit : “When in conversation with my partner, I went to send a picture and saw that the latest pictures were nsfw material we’d made years ago” “I have four pics from 2010 that keep reappearing as the latest pics uploaded to

Mobile 132
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Upcoming Speaking Engagements

Schneier on Security

This is a current list of where and when I am scheduled to speak: I’m giving a webinar via Zoom on Wednesday, May 22, at 11:00 AM ET. The topic is “ Should the USG Establish a Publicly Funded AI Option? “ The list is maintained on this page.

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Risks of GenAI Rising as Employees Remain Divided About its Use in the Workplace

Security Boulevard

One in three office workers who use GenAI admit to sharing customer info, employee details and financial data with the platforms. Are you worried yet? The post Risks of GenAI Rising as Employees Remain Divided About its Use in the Workplace appeared first on Security Boulevard.

Risk 133
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Software Composition Analysis: The New Armor for Your Cybersecurity

Speaker: Blackberry, OSS Consultants, & Revenera

Software is complex, which makes threats to the software supply chain more real every day. 64% of organizations have been impacted by a software supply chain attack and 60% of data breaches are due to unpatched software vulnerabilities. In the U.S. alone, cyber losses totaled $10.3 billion in 2022. All of these stats beg the question, “Do you know what’s in your software?

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Restore Damaged Files & Save Your Business for Only $50

Tech Republic Security

Regardless of how badly your files, or their formats, are damaged, EaseUS Fixo can restore your office files, videos and photos, even in batches. Get a lifetime subscription for $49.99 at TechRepublic Academy.

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Norway recommends replacing SSL VPN to prevent breaches

Bleeping Computer

The Norwegian National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) recommends replacing SSLVPN/WebVPN solutions with alternatives due to the repeated exploitation of related vulnerabilities in edge network devices to breach corporate networks. [.

VPN 132
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New Chrome Zero-Day Vulnerability CVE-2024-4761 Under Active Exploitation

The Hacker News

Google on Monday shipped emergency fixes to address a new zero-day flaw in the Chrome web browser that has come under active exploitation in the wild. The high-severity vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2024-4761, is an out-of-bounds write bug impacting the V8 JavaScript and WebAssembly engine. It was reported anonymously on May 9, 2024.

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Google Cloud Mishap: Accidental Deletion of $125 Billion Pension Fund’s Account Raises Concerns

Penetration Testing

In a shocking incident that has raised serious questions about the reliability of public cloud services, Google Cloud accidentally deleted the entire online account of UniSuper. This unprecedented misconfiguration left over half a million... The post Google Cloud Mishap: Accidental Deletion of $125 Billion Pension Fund’s Account Raises Concerns appeared first on Penetration Testing.

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Cybersecurity Predictions for 2024

Within the past few years, ransomware attacks have turned to critical infrastructure, healthcare, and government entities. Attackers have taken advantage of the rapid shift to remote work and new technologies. Add to that hacktivism due to global conflicts and U.S. elections, and an increased focus on AI, and you have the perfect recipe for a knotty and turbulent 2024.

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Get on Cybersecurity Certification Track With $145 Off These Courses

Tech Republic Security

This $50 bundle can get you five courses to enable you to earn CompTIA, NIST and more leading cybersecurity certifications that will help you build a career.

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Hackers use DNS tunneling for network scanning, tracking victims

Bleeping Computer

Threat actors are using Domain Name System (DNS) tunneling to track when their targets open phishing emails and click on malicious links, and to scan networks for potential vulnerabilities. [.

DNS 134
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Google Patches Yet Another Actively Exploited Chrome Zero-Day Vulnerability

The Hacker News

Google has rolled out fixes to address a set of nine security issues in its Chrome browser, including a new zero-day that has been exploited in the wild. Assigned the CVE identifier CVE-2024-4947, the vulnerability relates to a type confusion bug in the V8 JavaScript and WebAssembly engine.

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Ebury is alive but unseen: 400k Linux servers compromised for cryptocurrency theft and financial gain

We Live Security

One of the most advanced server-side malware campaigns is still growing, with hundreds of thousands of compromised servers, and it has diversified to include credit card and cryptocurrency theft

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From Complexity to Clarity: Strategies for Effective Compliance and Security Measures

Speaker: Erika R. Bales, Esq.

When we talk about “compliance and security," most companies want to ensure that steps are being taken to protect what they value most – people, data, real or personal property, intellectual property, digital assets, or any other number of other things - and it’s more important than ever that safeguards are in place. Let’s step back and focus on the idea that no matter how complicated the compliance and security regime, it should be able to be distilled down to a checklist.