Fri.Oct 29, 2021

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Weekly Update 267

Troy Hunt

Now this office is starting to look good! New wallpaper is in and brackets for the shelf are ready, just waiting for it to be made and fitted now. Oh - I mentioned a sound absorbing material that'll go up the wall in front of me and the ceiling - here's what'll it'll look like: During yesterday's weekly update vid I mentioned some sound absorbing material was going into my office.

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Cybercrime: Europol arrests 12 people for ransomware activities possibly affecting 1,800 victims in 71 countries

Tech Republic Security

The European police force stated the ransomware activities targeted critical infrastructures and mostly large corporations.


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How Can You Keep Your Personal Information Safe?

CyberSecurity Insiders

A few simple changes to your devices and accounts can help discourage cyber criminals from trying to access your data. Getting started is easy. This short guide presents some quick measures you can take to protect your privacy and keep your personal info safe. Prevent Data Breaches. Giants like Facebook and Target have suffered breaches and password leaks, so it’s safe to say data from at least one of your online accounts could have been leaked.

Passwords 141
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Modern cybersecurity needs not just awareness, but a whole new perspective

Security Boulevard

As Cybersecurity Awareness Month draws to a close, we’ve had a chance to reflect on the state of the cybersecurity. The post Modern cybersecurity needs not just awareness, but a whole new perspective appeared first on Entrust Blog. The post Modern cybersecurity needs not just awareness, but a whole new perspective appeared first on Security Boulevard.

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Human-Centered Cyber Security Training: Driving Real Impact on Security Culture

Speaker: Speakers:

In today's digital age, having an untrained workforce can be a significant risk to your business. Cyber threats are evolving; without proper training, your employees could be the weakest link in your defense. This webinar empowers leaders like you with the tools and strategies needed to transform your employees into a robust frontline defense against cyber attacks.

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A New Zero-day Vulnerability Is Impacting All Windows Versions

Heimadal Security

A security researcher recently revealed technical details for a zero-day privilege elevation vulnerability in Windows and also a public proof-of-concept (PoC) exploit that provides SYSTEM access under certain settings. As explained by Cezarina, a zero-day exploit refers to the method used by attackers to infiltrate and deploy the malware into a system.

Malware 135
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Google Chrome is Abused to Deliver Malware as ‘Legit’ Win 10 App


Malware delivered via a compromised website on Chrome browsers can bypass User Account Controls to infect systems and steal sensitive data, such as credentials and cryptocurrency.

Malware 128

More Trending

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Dealing with Good & Bad Times in Cyber

Jane Frankland

It’s so easy to look at other people whether in person at an event, or on social media, and think they’ve got it all worked out and that their lives are so much better than yours. Maybe even to want what they have. Judgement and assumptions come easy. It’s easy to make them and it’s easy to be triggered by them. When I look at what I’ve achieved over the years, I see good and bad times.

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Diversity Matters in Cybersecurity

Cisco Security

It’s as serendipitous as it seems designed that there are two important worldwide recognitions in October: Global Diversity and Cybersecurity Awareness. The intersection is a powerful reminder for the security industry that diversity fuels innovation. The more varied the experiences and thinking of its people, the better the outcomes. We know instinctively that Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) matters.

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Police arrest hackers behind over 1,800 ransomware attacks

Bleeping Computer

The Europol has announced the arrest of 12 individuals who are believed to be linked to ransomware attacks against 1,800 victims in 71 countries. [.].

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New 'Shrootless' Bug Could Let Attackers Install Rootkit on macOS Systems

The Hacker News

Microsoft on Thursday disclosed details of a new vulnerability that could allow an attacker to bypass security restrictions in macOS and take complete control of the device to perform arbitrary operations on the device without getting flagged by traditional security solutions.

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The Importance of User Roles and Permissions in Cybersecurity Software

How many people would you trust with your house keys? Chances are, you have a handful of trusted friends and family members who have an emergency copy, but you definitely wouldn’t hand those out too freely. You have stuff that’s worth protecting—and the more people that have access to your belongings, the higher the odds that something will go missing.

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Microsoft to offer cyber security training in community colleges across US

CyberSecurity Insiders

Microsoft has announced that it is going to offer cyber security training to interested students who are studying in community colleges across the United States. To reach its aim, the American tech giant has announced that it is going to invest millions of dollars on nurturing new talent to fill 250,000 jobs lying vacant in various cybersecurity roles.

Education 116
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This New Android Malware Can Gain Root Access to Your Smartphones

The Hacker News

An unidentified threat actor has been linked to a new Android malware strain that features the ability to root smartphones and take complete control over infected smartphones while simultaneously taking steps to evade detection. The malware has been named "AbstractEmu" owing to its use of code abstraction and anti-emulation checks to avoid running while under analysis.

Malware 115
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The Dawn of Insider Risk – Are You Prepared?

Security Boulevard

We’re going to have to fire her. That’s what I thought one afternoon when I received an unexpected call from our security team. A new sales hire had just downloaded several documents from her previous employer onto the company-issued laptop we’d given her. This looked like the textbook definition of insider theft by infiltration. An. The post The Dawn of Insider Risk – Are You Prepared?

Risk 113
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SolarMarker Attackers Use SEO Poisoning to Push Malicious Code

eSecurity Planet

Cybercriminals leveraging the SolarMarker.NET-based backdoor are using a technique called SEO poisoning to drive malicious payloads into victims’ systems so they can gain access to the credentials and data within. According to researchers at Menlo Security, the SolarMarker campaign is one of two such efforts they’ve seen in recent months using SEO poisoning to deceive users and get them to download the malicious payload into their systems.

Malware 109
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IDC Analyst Report: The Open Source Blind Spot Putting Businesses at Risk

In a recent study, IDC found that 64% of organizations said they were already using open source in software development with a further 25% planning to in the next year. Most organizations are unaware of just how much open-source code is used and underestimate their dependency on it. As enterprises grow the use of open-source software, they face a new challenge: understanding the scope of open-source software that's being used throughout the organization and the corresponding exposure.

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The return of the Malwarebytes CrackMe


This blog post was authored by Hasherezade. Twice in the past ( 2017 , 2018 ) we published a Capture-The-Flag challenge dedicated to aspiring malware analysts. Each time it was a Windows executable, containing up to 3 stages to break, in order to get the final flag. The goal of the crackme was to provide an exercise where the contestants will be able to challenge themselves in understanding and overcoming techniques commonly present in real-life malware.

Malware 108
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The Week in Ransomware - October 29th 2021 - Making arrests

Bleeping Computer

This week, international law enforcement operations went on the offensive, making arrests in numerous countries for ransomware-related activities. [.].

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ESET found a variant of the Hive ransomware that encrypts Linux and FreeBSD

Security Affairs

The Hive ransomware operators have developed a new variant of their malware that can encrypt Linux and FreeBSD. ESET researchers discovered a new Hive ransomware variant that was specifically developed to encrypt Linux and FreeBSD. Researchers at the cybersecurity firm believe that the new encryptors are still under development. Both variants are written in Golang, but the strings, package names and function names have been obfuscated.

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Employees To Demand Remote Work In 2022 | Avast

Security Boulevard

Forrester has released its annual prediction guide, in which it anticipates that 2022 will see an increased demand from employees to work remotely, so much so that 30% of the companies that don’t support remote working will see their staff’s resignation rates rise to 2.5%. The guide, called Predictions 2022: Disruptive Forces Necessitate Bold Decisions , also suggests that the 50% of U.S. adults who “regularly make purchases from brands that align with their personal values” will drive “10 big m

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Cybersecurity Predictions for 2024

Within the past few years, ransomware attacks have turned to critical infrastructure, healthcare, and government entities. Attackers have taken advantage of the rapid shift to remote work and new technologies. Add to that hacktivism due to global conflicts and U.S. elections, and an increased focus on AI, and you have the perfect recipe for a knotty and turbulent 2024.

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Google fixes 2 new actively exploited zero-day flaws in Chrome

Security Affairs

Google has released Chrome 95.0.4638.69 for Windows, Mac, and Linux to address two actively exploited zero-day vulnerabilities. Google has released Chrome 95.0.4638.69 for Windows, Mac, and Linux to address two zero-day vulnerabilities, tracked as CVE-2021-38000 and CVE-2021-38003, actively exploited in attacks in the wild. Google fixed a total of seven vulnerabilities with the latest release of the popular browser.

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An Apparent Ransomware Hack Puts the NRA in a Bind

WIRED Threat Level

The group behind the reported attack is under sanctions from the US Treasury, which means a payout could come with penalties for the victim.

Hacking 118
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Microsoft: Windows web content filtering now generally available

Bleeping Computer

Microsoft has announced that web content filtering has reached general availability and is now available for all Windows enterprise customers. [.].

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Russian TrickBot Gang Hacker Extradited to U.S. Charged with Cybercrime

The Hacker News

A Russian national, who was arrested in South Korea last month and extradited to the U.S. on October 20, appeared in a federal court in the state of Ohio on Thursday to face charges for his alleged role as a member of the infamous TrickBot group.

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Beware of Pixels & Trackers on U.S. Healthcare Websites

The healthcare industry has massively adopted web tracking tools, including pixels and trackers. Tracking tools on user-authenticated and unauthenticated web pages can access personal health information (PHI) such as IP addresses, medical record numbers, home and email addresses, appointment dates, or other info provided by users on pages and thus can violate HIPAA Rules that govern the Use of Online Tracking Technologies by HIPAA Covered Entities and Business Associates.

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Friday Five 10/29

Digital Guardian

Apple fixes a critical SIP bypass and personal data protection becomes a fundamental right in Brazil - catch up on the infosec news of the week with the Friday Five!

InfoSec 98
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New Malware Dubbed AbstractEmu Goes Undetected

Heimadal Security

A new malware was detected. Named by security researchers AbstractEmu, its attack methods consist of the use of anti-emulation checks and also code abstraction techniques. All these can result in compromised devices rooting with the goal of devices control takeover and system settings tweaking. The ones who identified the new Android rooting malware under discussion […].

Malware 95
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Cyber Autopsy Series: Colonial Pipeline


As if shutting down operations of the Pipeline wasn’t bad enough, its operators paid a ransom of more than $4 million (75 bitcoin) to the DarkSide ransomware gang. Read more in this week's Cyber Autopsy: Colonial Pipeline.

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NSA and CISA explained how to prevent and detect lateral movement in 5G networks via cloud systems

Security Affairs

The US NSA and CISA published a security advisory to warn about threat actors compromising 5G networks via cloud infrastructure. The US National Security Agency and the US Cybersecurity Infrastructure and Security Agency have published a security advisory to warn of attacks on 5G networks through the hijacking of a provider’s cloud resources. The report is part of a four-part series that was built on the ESF Potential Threat Vectors to 5G Infrastructure white paper that was released by the US ag

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5 Key Findings From the 2023 FBI Internet Crime Report

The losses companies suffered in 2023 ransomware attacks increased by 74% compared to those of the previous year, according to new data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The true figure is likely to be even higher, though, as many identity theft and phishing attacks go unreported. Ransomware attackers can potentially paralyze not just private sector organizations but also healthcare facilities, schools, and entire police departments.

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BrandPost: New HP Wolf Security Report: 83% of IT Teams Say Work from Home Is a ‘Ticking Time Bomb’

CSO Magazine

Security is critical to business operations. The disruptive impact of ransomware attacks has made this clear. But if employees don’t understand the goals and reasoning behind their organization’s security policies – and if technical controls are too obtrusive – this can lead to apathy, resentment, and even circumvention. The latest HP Wolf Security study – Rebellions & Rejections – uncovers worrying workforce security trends, examining how IT security teams have responded to the challenge

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Police arrested 12 individuals involved in 1800 ransomware attacks worldwide

Security Affairs

Europol and Norwegian Police arrested 12 individuals over ransomware attacks on organizations worldwide, including critical infrastructure operators. A joint operation conducted by Europol, the Norwegian Police and other authorities led to the arrest of 12 individuals over ransomware attacks on organizations worldwide, including critical infrastructure operators.

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What Is a Senior Security Analyst? What I Do and How I Got Here

CompTIA on Cybersecurity

Find out what a senior security analyst does – straight from the source. Aireal Liddle shares what she does, and how she got there.

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Police arrest criminals behind Norsk Hydro ransomware attack

Bleeping Computer

The Europol has announced the arrest of 12 individuals who are believed to be linked to ransomware attacks against 1,800 victims in 71 countries. [.].

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Software Composition Analysis: The New Armor for Your Cybersecurity

Speaker: Blackberry, OSS Consultants, & Revenera

Software is complex, which makes threats to the software supply chain more real every day. 64% of organizations have been impacted by a software supply chain attack and 60% of data breaches are due to unpatched software vulnerabilities. In the U.S. alone, cyber losses totaled $10.3 billion in 2022. All of these stats beg the question, “Do you know what’s in your software?