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Will Artificial Intelligence Help or Hurt Cyber Defense?

Lohrman on Security

The world seems focused on new developments in artificial intelligence to help with a wide range of problems, including staffing shortages. But will AI help or harm security teams?

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‘Trojan Source’ Bug Threatens the Security of All Code

Krebs on Security

Virtually all compilers — programs that transform human-readable source code into computer-executable machine code — are vulnerable to an insidious attack in which an adversary can introduce targeted vulnerabilities into any software without being detected, new research released today warns. The vulnerability disclosure was coordinated with multiple organizations, some of whom are now releasing updates to address the security weakness.

Software 363

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The Top 22 Security Predictions for 2022

Lohrman on Security

What will the New Year bring in cyber space? Here’s your annual roundup of the top security industry forecasts, trends and cybersecurity prediction reports for calendar year 2022.

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How to Avoid Being Scammed When Giving Charity

Joseph Steinberg

Giving Tuesday has arrived… and, so have many criminals who seek to exploit people’s sense of generosity. While evildoers perpetrate charity-related scams throughout the year, they know that the holiday spirit in general, and the concentrated focus on charity on Giving Tuesday specifically, both improve their odds of success. During this time of year, therefore, we must be extra vigilant to ensure that our charity dollars reach proper destinations and actually do good, rather than enrich c

Scams 362
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Human-Centered Cyber Security Training: Driving Real Impact on Security Culture

Speaker: Speakers:

In today's digital age, having an untrained workforce can be a significant risk to your business. Cyber threats are evolving; without proper training, your employees could be the weakest link in your defense. This webinar empowers leaders like you with the tools and strategies needed to transform your employees into a robust frontline defense against cyber attacks.

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Hoax Email Blast Abused Poor Coding in FBI Website

Krebs on Security

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) confirmed today that its fbi.gov domain name and Internet address were used to blast out thousands of fake emails about a cybercrime investigation. According to an interview with the person who claimed responsibility for the hoax, the spam messages were sent by abusing insecure code in an FBI online portal designed to share information with state and local law enforcement authorities.

Internet 363
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The Subsequent Waves of log4j Vulnerabilities Aren’t as Bad as People Think

Daniel Miessler

If you’re reading this you’re underslept and over-caffeinated due to log4j. Thank you for your service. I have some good news. I know a super-smart guy named d0nut who figured something out like 3 days ago that very few people know. Once you have 2.15 applied—or the CLI implementation to disable lookups—you actually need a non-default log4j2.properties configuration to still be vulnerable!

Internet 363

More Trending

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T-Mobile says new data breach caused by SIM swap attacks

Bleeping Computer

T-Mobile confirmed that recent reports of a new data breach are linked to notifications sent to a "very small number of customers" that they fell victim to SIM swap attacks. [.].

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US Government warns of BlackMatter ransomware attacks against critical infrastructure

Graham Cluley

The US Government has issued an alert to organisations about the threat posed by the BlackMatter ransomware group. Read more in my article on the Tripwire State of Security blog.

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Top 7 common Cybersecurity Myths — Busted

The Hacker News

Even with the growing awareness about cybersecurity, many myths about it are prevalent. These misconceptions can be a barrier to effective security. The first step to ensure the security of your business is to separate the false information, myths, and rumors from the truth. Here, we're busting some common cybersecurity myths. Read on to find out which of the following you thought were true.

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11 penetration testing tools the pros use

CSO Magazine

A penetration tester, sometimes called an ethical hacker, is a security pro who launches simulated attacks against a client's network or systems in order to seek out vulnerabilities. Their goal is to demonstrate where and how a malicious attacker might exploit the target network, which allows their clients to mitigate any weaknesses before a real attack occurs.

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The Importance of User Roles and Permissions in Cybersecurity Software

How many people would you trust with your house keys? Chances are, you have a handful of trusted friends and family members who have an emergency copy, but you definitely wouldn’t hand those out too freely. You have stuff that’s worth protecting—and the more people that have access to your belongings, the higher the odds that something will go missing.

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Cybersecurity ‘Vaccines’ Emerge as Ransomware, Vulnerability Defense

eSecurity Planet

Cybersecurity vaccines are emerging as a new tool to defend against threats like ransomware and zero-day vulnerabilities. Cybersecurity firms have released “vaccines” in recent days to protect against the widely used STOP ransomware strain and the new Apache Log4Shell vulnerability. Germany-based G Data CyberDefense released software designed to trick the STOP ransomware variant into believing that a targeted system has already been compromised and keeping it from encrypting files af

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Finland Fending Off FluBot Malware, Again

Security Boulevard

The Finnish National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC-FI) has issued a warning to citizens about the current version of the FluBot malware campaign which is affecting “tens of thousands of people in Finland.” The malware campaign leverages SMS by sending out numerous text messages, according to NCSC-FI. The messages, all of which are written in Finnish, The post Finland Fending Off FluBot Malware, Again appeared first on Security Boulevard.

Malware 145
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Jumping the air gap: 15 years of nation?state effort

We Live Security

ESET researchers studied all the malicious frameworks ever reported publicly that have been used to attack air-gapped networks and are releasing a side-by-side comparison of their most important TTPs. The post Jumping the air gap: 15 years of nation‑state effort appeared first on WeLiveSecurity.

Malware 145
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How to detect the Log4j vulnerability in your applications

InfoWorld on Security

Yesterday the Apache Foundation released an emergency update for a critical zero-day vulnerability in Log4j, a ubiquitous logging tool included in almost every Java application. The issue has been named Log4Shell and received the identifier CVE-2021-44228. The problem revolves around a bug in the Log4j library that can allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code on a system that is using Log4j to write out log messages.

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IDC Analyst Report: The Open Source Blind Spot Putting Businesses at Risk

In a recent study, IDC found that 64% of organizations said they were already using open source in software development with a further 25% planning to in the next year. Most organizations are unaware of just how much open-source code is used and underestimate their dependency on it. As enterprises grow the use of open-source software, they face a new challenge: understanding the scope of open-source software that's being used throughout the organization and the corresponding exposure.

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Understanding the Impact of Apache Log4j Vulnerability

Google Security

Posted by James Wetter and Nicky Ringland, Open Source Insights Team More than 35,000 Java packages, amounting to over 8% of the Maven Central repository (the most significant Java package repository), have been impacted by the recently disclosed log4j vulnerabilities ( 1 , 2 ), with widespread fallout across the software industry. The vulnerabilities allow an attacker to perform remote code execution by exploiting the insecure JNDI lookups feature exposed by the logging library log4j.

Software 145
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Thoughts on the OWASP Top 10 2021

Daniel Miessler

This post will talk about my initial thoughts on The OWASP Top 10 release for 2021. Let me start by saying that I have respect for the people working on this project, and that as a project maintainer myself, I know how impossibly hard this is. Right, so with that out of the way, here’s what struck me with this list, along with some comments on building lists like this in general.

Software 364
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Gartner analyst: 12 technologies to accelerate growth, engineer trust and sculpt change in 2022

Tech Republic Security

CIOs must prioritize the same business imperatives and find the IT force multipliers to enable growth and innovation, according to a Gartner analyst during Gartner's IT Symposium.

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Massive attack against 1.6 million WordPress sites underway

Bleeping Computer

Wordfence analysts report having detected a massive wave of attacks in the last couple of days, originating from 16,000 IPs and targeting over 1.6 million WordPress sites. [.].

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Beware of Pixels & Trackers on U.S. Healthcare Websites

The healthcare industry has massively adopted web tracking tools, including pixels and trackers. Tracking tools on user-authenticated and unauthenticated web pages can access personal health information (PHI) such as IP addresses, medical record numbers, home and email addresses, appointment dates, or other info provided by users on pages and thus can violate HIPAA Rules that govern the Use of Online Tracking Technologies by HIPAA Covered Entities and Business Associates.

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Sophisticated Tardigrade malware launches attacks on vaccine manufacturing infrastructure

Graham Cluley

Security researchers are warning biomanufacturing facilities around the world that they are being targeted by a sophisticated new strain of malware, known as Tardigrade. Read more in my article on the Tripwire State of Security blog.

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New Golang-based Linux Malware Targeting eCommerce Websites

The Hacker News

Weaknesses in e-commerce portals are being exploited to deploy a Linux backdoor as well as a credit card skimmer that's capable of stealing payment information from compromised websites. "The attacker started with automated e-commerce attack probes, testing for dozens of weaknesses in common online store platforms," researchers from Sansec Threat Research said in an analysis.

eCommerce 145
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9 video chat apps compared: Which is best for security?

CSO Magazine

The COVID-19 pandemic forced companies to scramble to accommodate employees suddenly working from home. This required a move to cloud-based infrastructures, mobile applications and good collaboration and conferencing tools. The shift was massive for most firms. According to Statista , only 17% of workers in the United States telecommuted even a little prior to the pandemic.

Mobile 145
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8 Different Ways to Bypass SSL Pinning in iOS application


SSL Pinning is a technique that we use on the client-side to avoid a man-in-the-middle attack by validating the server certificates. The developers embed (or pin) a list of trustful certificates to the client application during development, and use them to compare against the server certificates during runtime.

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Software Composition Analysis: The New Armor for Your Cybersecurity

Speaker: Blackberry, OSS Consultants, & Revenera

Software is complex, which makes threats to the software supply chain more real every day. 64% of organizations have been impacted by a software supply chain attack and 60% of data breaches are due to unpatched software vulnerabilities. In the U.S. alone, cyber losses totaled $10.3 billion in 2022. All of these stats beg the question, “Do you know what’s in your software?

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All Sectors Should Expect A Holiday Cyberattack Surprise

Security Boulevard

Retail is known to experience a spike in cybercrime around the holidays. With millions of shoppers conducting business online, the threat landscape usually increases with this jolt in traffic. However, this year, it's not only Retail that should be concerned — research by CORO finds that all mid-market businesses are 490% more likely to experience.

Retail 145
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Numando: Count once, code twice

We Live Security

The (probably) penultimate post in our occasional series demystifying Latin American banking trojans. The post Numando: Count once, code twice appeared first on WeLiveSecurity.

Banking 145
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How Acunetix addresses HTTP/2 vulnerabilities


In the latest release of Acunetix, we added support for the HTTP/2 protocol and introduced several checks specific to the vulnerabilities associated with this protocol. For example, we introduced checks for misrouting, server-side request forgery (SSRF), and web cache poisoning. In this article, we’d like. Read more. The post How Acunetix addresses HTTP/2 vulnerabilities appeared first on Acunetix.

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The 6 Nastiest Malware of 2021


Malware leaps from the darkness to envelop our lives in a cloak of stolen information, lost data and worse. But to know your enemy is to defeat your enemy. So we peered over the ledge leading to the dark web and leapt. The forces we sought are disruptors – without warning, they disturb our businesses and our connections to family and friends. And darkness we found – from million-dollar ransoms to supply chain attacks, these malware variants were The 6 Nastiest Malware of 2021.

Malware 145
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From Complexity to Clarity: Strategies for Effective Compliance and Security Measures

Speaker: Erika R. Bales, Esq.

When we talk about “compliance and security," most companies want to ensure that steps are being taken to protect what they value most – people, data, real or personal property, intellectual property, digital assets, or any other number of other things - and it’s more important than ever that safeguards are in place. Let’s step back and focus on the idea that no matter how complicated the compliance and security regime, it should be able to be distilled down to a checklist.

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Millions of GoDaddy customer data compromised in breach


Domain name registrar giant and hosting provider GoDaddy yesterday disclosed to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that it had suffered a security breach. In the notice, it explained it had been compromised via an “unauthorized third-party access to our Managed WordPress hosting environment.” The unknown culprit behind the attack stole up to 1.2 million active and inactive customer data, including email addresses, original WordPress admin passwords, Secure File Transfer Pro

Passwords 145
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8 advanced threats Kaspersky predicts for 2022

Tech Republic Security

Advanced threats constantly evolve. This year saw multiple examples of advanced persistent threats under the spotlight, allowing us to predict what threats might lead the future.

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State-backed hackers increasingly use RTF injection for phishing

Bleeping Computer

Three APT hacking groups from India, Russia, and China, were observed using a novel RTF (rich text format) template injection technique in their recent phishing campaigns. [.].

Phishing 145
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Analyzing The ForcedEntry Zero-Click iPhone Exploit Used By Pegasus

Trend Micro

Citizen Lab has released a report on a new iPhone threat dubbed ForcedEntry. This zero-click exploit seems to be able to circumvent Apple's BlastDoor security, and allow attackers access to a device without user interaction.

Mobile 145
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Successful Change Management with Enterprise Risk Management

Speaker: William Hord, Vice President of ERM Services

A well-defined change management process is critical to minimizing the impact that change has on your organization. Leveraging the data that your ERM program already contains is an effective way to help create and manage the overall change management process within your organization. Your ERM program generally assesses and maintains detailed information related to strategy, operations, and the remediation plans needed to mitigate the impact on the organization.