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5 Major Cybersecurity Trends to Know for 2024

eSecurity Planet

As 2023 draws to an end and cybersecurity budgeting is nearly complete, it helps to consider the year’s events and try to predict next year’s trends. After receiving input from industry experts and doing my own analysis of the year’s driving forces, I identified five major cybersecurity trends. We each need to consider how these trends may affect our organizations and allocate our budgets and resources accordingly: AI will turbo-charge cybersecurity and cyberthreats: Artificial intelligence (AI

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The AI Attack Surface Map v1.0

Daniel Miessler

Introduction Purpose Components Attacks Discussion Summary Introduction This resource is a first thrust at a framework for thinking about how to attack AI systems. At the time of writing, GPT-4 has only been out for a couple of months, and ChatGPT for only 6 months. So things are very early. There has been, of course, much content on attacking pre-ChatGPT AI systems, namely how to attack machine learning implementations.


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New DDoS Attack is Record Breaking: HTTP/2 Rapid Reset Zero-Day Reported by Google, AWS & Cloudflare

Tech Republic Security

A vulnerability in the HTTP/2 network protocol is currently being exploited, resulting in the largest DDoS attack in history. Find out what security teams should do now, and hear what Cloudflare's CEO has to say about this DDoS.

DDOS 216
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Operation Triangulation: The last (hardware) mystery


Today, on December 27, 2023, we ( Boris Larin , Leonid Bezvershenko , and Georgy Kucherin ) delivered a presentation, titled, “Operation Triangulation: What You Get When Attack iPhones of Researchers”, at the 37th Chaos Communication Congress (37C3), held at Congress Center Hamburg. The presentation summarized the results of our long-term research into Operation Triangulation, conducted with our colleagues, Igor Kuznetsov , Valentin Pashkov , and Mikhail Vinogradov.

Firmware 145
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Human-Centered Cyber Security Training: Driving Real Impact on Security Culture

Speaker: Speakers:

In today's digital age, having an untrained workforce can be a significant risk to your business. Cyber threats are evolving; without proper training, your employees could be the weakest link in your defense. This webinar empowers leaders like you with the tools and strategies needed to transform your employees into a robust frontline defense against cyber attacks.

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Blockchain dev's wallet emptied in "job interview" using npm package

Bleeping Computer

A blockchain developer shares his ordeal over the holidays when he was approached on LinkedIn by a "recruiter" for a web development job. The recruiter in question asked the developer to download npm packages from a GitHub repository, and hours later the developer discovered his MetaMask wallet had been emptied. [.

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US government is snooping on people via phone push notifications, says senator


Many people don’t realize that the instant alert push notifications you get on your phone are routed through Google or Apple’s servers, depending on which device you use. So if you have an iPhone or iPad, any push notifications can be seen by Apple, and if you use an Android, they can be seen by Google. But, it seems, it’s not just Apple and Google who can view them.

More Trending

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Secretive White House Surveillance Program Gives Cops Access to Trillions of US Phone Records

WIRED Threat Level

A WIRED analysis of leaked police documents verifies that a secretive government program is allowing federal, state, and local law enforcement to access phone records of Americans who are not suspected of a crime.

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Cybercriminals launched “Leaksmas” event in the Dark Web exposing massive volumes of leaked PII and compromised data

Security Affairs

Leaksmas: On Christmas Eve, multiple threat actors released substantial data leaks, Resecurity experts reported. On Christmas Eve, Resecurity protecting Fortune 100 and government agencies globally, observed multiple actors on the Dark Web releasing substantial data leaks. Over 50 million records containing PII of consumers from around the world have been leaked.

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APT34 Deploys Phishing Attack With New Malware

Trend Micro

We observed and tracked the advanced persistent threat (APT) APT34 group with a new malware variant accompanying a phishing attack comparatively similar to the SideTwist backdoor malware. Following the campaign, the group abused a fake license registration form of an African government agency to target a victim in Saudi Arabia.

Phishing 145
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Update Chrome Now: Google Releases Patch for Actively Exploited Zero-Day Vulnerability

The Hacker News

Google on Wednesday rolled out fixes to address a new actively exploited zero-day in the Chrome browser. Tracked as CVE-2023-5217, the high-severity vulnerability has been described as a heap-based buffer overflow in the VP8 compression format in libvpx, a free software video codec library from Google and the Alliance for Open Media (AOMedia).

Media 144
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The Importance of User Roles and Permissions in Cybersecurity Software

How many people would you trust with your house keys? Chances are, you have a handful of trusted friends and family members who have an emergency copy, but you definitely wouldn’t hand those out too freely. You have stuff that’s worth protecting—and the more people that have access to your belongings, the higher the odds that something will go missing.

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Telekopye: Chamber of Neanderthals’ secrets

We Live Security

ESET research shares insights about groups operating Telekopye, Telegram bots that scam people in online marketplaces, their internal onboarding process, different tricks of trade that Neanderthals use, and more.

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ChatGPT creates mutating malware that evades detection by EDR

CSO Magazine

A global sensation since its initial release at the end of last year, ChatGPT 's popularity among consumers and IT professionals alike has stirred up cybersecurity nightmares about how it can be used to exploit system vulnerabilities. A key problem, cybersecurity experts have demonstrated, is the ability of ChatGPT and other large language models (LLMs) to generate polymorphic, or mutating, code to evade endpoint detection and response (EDR) systems.

Malware 145
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Learn Cybersecurity Skills From Scratch for Just $30 Through January 1

Tech Republic Security

Save on tech services or switch to a lucrative new tech career in 2024 by training at your own pace to develop high-demand cybersecurity skills. On sale from 12/26 through 1/1.

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Modern Asian APT groups’ tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs)


Almost every quarter, someone publishes major research focusing on campaigns or incidents that involve Asian APT groups. These campaigns and incidents target various organizations from a multitude of industries. Likewise, the geographic location of victims is not limited to just one region. This type of research normally contains detailed information about the tools used by APT actors, the vulnerabilities that they exploit and sometimes even a specific attribution.

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IDC Analyst Report: The Open Source Blind Spot Putting Businesses at Risk

In a recent study, IDC found that 64% of organizations said they were already using open source in software development with a further 25% planning to in the next year. Most organizations are unaware of just how much open-source code is used and underestimate their dependency on it. As enterprises grow the use of open-source software, they face a new challenge: understanding the scope of open-source software that's being used throughout the organization and the corresponding exposure.

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Malware abuses Google OAuth endpoint to ‘revive’ cookies, hijack accounts

Bleeping Computer

Multiple information-stealing malware families are abusing an undocumented Google OAuth endpoint named "MultiLogin" to restore expired authentication cookies and log into users' accounts, even if an account's password was reset. [.

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Meta sued over forcing users to pay to stop tracking


Meta is required to get users’ consent in Europe in order to show them targeted ads. For this reason, Meta has to provide European users with a way to opt out of behavioral advertising or face fines totalling $100,000 a day. Behavioral advertising are ads tailored to someone’s browsing habits and other online behavior. A profile of the user is built up over time, as they work their way around the web.

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Apple Fixes 0-Days — Russia Says US Used for Spying

Security Boulevard

Vulns unpatched for FOUR years: ‘Triangulation’ spyware said to use backdoor Apple gave to NSA. The post Apple Fixes 0-Days — Russia Says US Used for Spying appeared first on Security Boulevard.

Spyware 145
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23andMe User Data Stolen in Targeted Attack on Ashkenazi Jews

WIRED Threat Level

At least a million data points from 23andMe accounts appear to have been exposed on BreachForums. While the scale of the campaign is unknown, 23andMe says it's working to verify the data.

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Beware of Pixels & Trackers on U.S. Healthcare Websites

The healthcare industry has massively adopted web tracking tools, including pixels and trackers. Tracking tools on user-authenticated and unauthenticated web pages can access personal health information (PHI) such as IP addresses, medical record numbers, home and email addresses, appointment dates, or other info provided by users on pages and thus can violate HIPAA Rules that govern the Use of Online Tracking Technologies by HIPAA Covered Entities and Business Associates.

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Android devices shipped with backdoored firmware as part of the BADBOX network

Security Affairs

Researchers warn that more than 70,000 Android smartphones, CTV boxes, and tablets were shipped with backdoored firmware as part of BADBOX network. Cybersecurity researchers at Human Security discovered a global network of consumer products, dubbed BADBOX, with firmware backdoors installed and sold through a compromised hardware supply chain. The experts reported that at least 74,000 Android-based mobile phones, tablets, and Connected TV boxes worldwide were shipped with the backdoored firmware.

Firmware 144
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Earth Lusca Employs New Linux Backdoor, Uses Cobalt Strike for Lateral Movement

Trend Micro

While monitoring Earth Lusca, we discovered an intriguing, encrypted file on the threat actor's server — a Linux-based malware, which appears to originate from the open-source Windows backdoor Trochilus, which we've dubbed SprySOCKS due to its swift behavior and SOCKS implementation.

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Microsoft AI Researchers Accidentally Expose 38 Terabytes of Confidential Data

The Hacker News

Microsoft on Monday said it took steps to correct a glaring security gaffe that led to the exposure of 38 terabytes of private data. The leak was discovered on the company's AI GitHub repository and is said to have been inadvertently made public when publishing a bucket of open-source training data, Wiz said.

Backups 143
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Lazarus luring employees with trojanized coding challenges: The case of a Spanish aerospace company

We Live Security

ESET researchers uncover a Lazarus attack against an aerospace company in Spain, where the group deployed several tools, including a publicly undocumented backdoor we named LightlessCan.

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Software Composition Analysis: The New Armor for Your Cybersecurity

Speaker: Blackberry, OSS Consultants, & Revenera

Software is complex, which makes threats to the software supply chain more real every day. 64% of organizations have been impacted by a software supply chain attack and 60% of data breaches are due to unpatched software vulnerabilities. In the U.S. alone, cyber losses totaled $10.3 billion in 2022. All of these stats beg the question, “Do you know what’s in your software?

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A PowerShell Script to Mitigate Active Directory Security Risks

eSecurity Planet

Cyber attackers frequently use legacy technology as part of their attack strategies, targeting organizations that have yet to implement mitigations or upgrade obsolete components. In an Active Directory environment, one such component is legacy protocols, which attackers can use to gain access to Active Directory. While patching (or even virtual patching ) might help address obsolete components, most legacy components have been thoroughly evaluated by adversaries to determine whether they should

Risk 142
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AI vs AI: Next front in phishing wars

Tech Republic Security

Threat intelligence firm Abnormal Software is seeing cybercriminals using generative AI to go phishing; the same technology is part of the defense. The post AI vs AI: Next front in phishing wars appeared first on TechRepublic.

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How to catch a wild triangle


In the beginning of 2023, thanks to our Kaspersky Unified Monitoring and Analysis Platform (KUMA) SIEM system, we noticed suspicious network activity that turned out to be an ongoing attack targeting the iPhones and iPads of our colleagues. The moment we understood that there was a clear pattern in the connections, and that the devices could have been infected, we initiated a standard digital forensics and incident response (DFIR) protocol for such cases – moving around the office, collecting th

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Google Drive users angry over losing months of stored data

Bleeping Computer

Google Drive users are reporting that recent files stored in the cloud have suddenly disappeared, with the cloud service reverting to a storage snapshot as it was around April-May 2023. [.

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From Complexity to Clarity: Strategies for Effective Compliance and Security Measures

Speaker: Erika R. Bales, Esq.

When we talk about “compliance and security," most companies want to ensure that steps are being taken to protect what they value most – people, data, real or personal property, intellectual property, digital assets, or any other number of other things - and it’s more important than ever that safeguards are in place. Let’s step back and focus on the idea that no matter how complicated the compliance and security regime, it should be able to be distilled down to a checklist.

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YouTube shows ads for ad blocker, financial scams


After performing local experiments for a few months, YouTube recently expanded its effort to block ad blockers. The move was immediately unpopular with some users, and raised some questions in Europe about whether it was breaking privacy laws. In addition, there are some still some fundamental issues that have some people concerned. In this blog post, we look at a couple of examples that erode our trust in online ads.

Scams 145
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AWS Misconfiguration Leads to Buckets of Data

Security Boulevard

Misconfigured AWS Role Enables Cloud Initial Access The post AWS Misconfiguration Leads to Buckets of Data appeared first on Horizon3.ai. The post AWS Misconfiguration Leads to Buckets of Data appeared first on Security Boulevard.

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How Neuralink Keeps Dead Monkey Photos Secret

WIRED Threat Level

Elon Musk’s brain-chip startup conducted years of tests at UC Davis, a public university. A WIRED investigation reveals how Neuralink and the university keep the grisly images of test subjects hidden.

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'Log in with.' Feature Allows Full Online Account Takeover for Millions

Dark Reading

Hundreds of millions of users of Grammarly, Vidio, and the Indonesian e-commerce giant Bukalapak are at risk for financial fraud and credential theft due to OAuth misfires -- and other online services likely have the same problems.

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Cybersecurity Predictions for 2024

Within the past few years, ransomware attacks have turned to critical infrastructure, healthcare, and government entities. Attackers have taken advantage of the rapid shift to remote work and new technologies. Add to that hacktivism due to global conflicts and U.S. elections, and an increased focus on AI, and you have the perfect recipe for a knotty and turbulent 2024.